
Stress Management: Cultivating Inner Calm and Balance

Stress is a normal reaction of the body when changes occur, which can result in physical and emotional responses. The human body is naturally designed to experience it. It takes place when a body changes experience to physical and mental responses. Stress helps your body to deal with new situations. In this blog, we will delve into the complexities of stress, Its causes, management, and how to enhance mental and physical health. 

Body’s Response During Stress 

Stress triggers functions of physiological and biochemical reactions within the body. It response in conditions like when someone is excited or nervous for something, a stress response might help the body work harder and stay awake longer. When someone is dealing with long term stress, then it can become a problem, response causes wear and tear on the body.

Causes Of Stress 

There are many common sources, which can cause it. Some of the common sources are work load, relationships, finances and parenting. There are various conditions which can cause it such as experiencing abuse, infertility, pregnancy, postpartum period, injury, organising an event and experiencing crime. 

It can trigger the body’s response to a perceived danger , which is known as a fight response. When this reaction takes place, certain hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are released, which can speed the heart rate, slow digestion, change nervous functions etc. When the perceived danger is gone, systems are designed to return to normal function via the relaxation response.

Recognising Symptoms 
  • Physical Symptoms
  • Chest pain 
  • Headache and pains
  • Trouble having sex and sleep
  • High blood pressure
  • Weak immune system
  • Emotional And Mental Symptoms 
  • Depression
  • Sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of interest
  • Panic attacks
Chronic Stress

When it takes place for a long term it becomes chronic. The root causes vary from person to person, Caregiving responsibilities, and the pressure of work and home life. There are types of chronic, which are Emotional, Relationship and work stress.

The longer someone lives with chronic stress, the more it drains their psychological resources, making it easier for the pressure to continue. Chronic may also cause disease, either because of changes in your body or the overeating, smoking, and other bad habits people use to cope with it.

Keys to Stress-Free Productivity

It is subjective — not measurable with tests. Only the person experiencing it can tell the presence of it. Management offers a range of strategies to deal with it. Management approaches include various strategies such as  : 

  • Learning skills of solving problems and time management.
  • Understanding and improving personal relations. 
  • Exercise, when you feel symptoms of it. 
  • Set goals for your day, week and month.
  • Reducing the intake of alcohol, drugs and caffeine.
  • Removing or changing the source of it.
Stress And Sleep 

It plays a vital role in body functioning. It allows the brain to recharge and bodies to rest. It not only harms your well-being but it also can prevent you from getting a reasonable amount of sleep.

Sleep drops cortisol to healthy levels, and when you don’t get enough of it, your body continues to produce more. You feel stronger and ready to tackle them, that come with the day. Sleep reduces anxiety and depression by healing your system and preventing you from being emotionally sensitive.

Some Ways To Prevent It  

Many daily activities can help you keep away from it : 

  • Try relation activities such as yoga, medication, and muscle relaxations.
  • Keep a positive attitude.
  • Take care of your body by eating a balanced and nutritional diet, and   sleep well.
  •  Accept or make a mind set that you can control everything.
  •  Learn to say “no” to additional responsibilities, when you are stressed. Stay connected with the positive people, who can provide you  emotional support.

It’s very natural to be stressed sometimes. Regularly using stress management techniques help you to avoid above mentioned symptoms. If an individual is finding difficulty to cope, consider an appointment with a trained expert. 

Talk to your counselor for advice. Encourage Yourself to engage in daily life activities such as spending time with your dear ones, medication and deep breathing. Minimize screen time, it can lead to an increase in levels. Furthermore, screen time may negatively affect sleep. Spending too much time following news on television and social media can increase it. Limit the time you spend following the news if it increases your stress.

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