
Mastering Oral Hygiene: Your Ultimate Guide

Oral hygiene results in a mouth when teeth are clean, free of debris, bad breath is not present and gums do not bleed on brushing. Healthy teeth not only enable you to look good, they make you feel more confident during eating and speaking. It is important to make a habit of maintaining good oral hygiene to enable prevention of dental diseases. Oral hygiene basically includes daily brushing and flossing. 

Signs of Poor Oral Hygiene 

The most common signs of poor oral hygiene includes : 

  • Tooth decay
  • Bleeding gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Toothache
  • Bad smell
  • Gum recession
  • Swelling of the jaws
  • Mouth sores
Brushing Techniques 

To keep your teeth healthy, make a habit to brush them twice a day. It is very important to remove dental plaque, a sticky film of bacteria which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. There are three conventional techniques which can helps to maintain a good oral hygiene : 

  • Bass Technique – This technique mostly works on people with periodontitis. It helps in controlling and preventing gum disease by brushing around and under the gum-line. It helps to remove bacteria and plaque, under the gum-line. 

Place the toothbrush parallel to your teeth with the bristles toward the gums. Tilt the brush to a 45-degree angle and move the bristles slightly under the gum-line. Do it with gentle pressure and use a small circular motion 15 – 20 times. The brush should cover one set of  teeth at a time. Brush properly on the chewing surface of the molar teeth and don’t forget the tongue. 

  • Stillman Technique – Basically, it is similar to the bass technique. Specifically, it helps to clean debris from the teeth. It is generally recommended for people with gingivitis. 

Angle the bristles at 45 degrees towards the gum-line. It should be half on the gums and half on the tooth’s surface. Make horizontal movements and the plaque is removed. Once you finish one set of teeth, move to another set.

  • Charter Technique – This technique is very useful for people with orthodontic appliances. Orthodontic appliances used when an individual has spacing in teeth, gum recession and have had periodontal surgery. Position the bristles at 45 degrees and direct them so they remove plaque from the brackets and arch-wire. Gently vibrate the brush for 15 to 20 counts, using short circular strokes. Change the direction to remove plaque from below brackets. 
Flossing is necessary 

Flossing clans and dislodges food stitch between the teeth. It is necessary to floss  at least once a day. It is generally recommended to floss first and then brush the teeth. 

There are different types of dental floss which includes standard floss, dental tape and super flosses. There are various benefits of flossing such as it reduces the risk of cavities, helps prevent gingivitis and removal of plaque from the gum-line. 

The power of mouthwash 

Mouthwash is a kind of healthy oral care routine. Some people use mouthwash to remove bad breath. It is an antiseptic which kills harmful bacteria that can be left in the teeth and tongue after brushing and flossing. 

How to use mouthwash 

  • Brush your teeth first.
  • Take 3 to 5 teaspoons of mouthwash
  • Empty the cup into your mouth.
  • Swish it around the whole mouth.
  • During rinsing, gargle for 30 seconds.
  • Split it out into the sink.
Caring for your tongue

Tongue plays an important role in tasting, chewing and talking. It is very important to take care of your tongue as much as your teeth. While eating something, the tongue is exposed to a lot of acids and bacteria, along with it giving rise to bad breath also. 

Tongue scraper is very useful for tongue cleaning. It is made from a flexible, soft plastic that allows you to lightly scrape away the mucus layer that resides on your tongue, particularly in the center of the tongue. Tongue scraper should be used slowly with light pressure. 

Regular Dental Check-ups

Visiting for regular dental check-ups plays a vital role in maintaining good oral hygiene. It helps to get rid of plaque, to prevent tooth decay, to repair gums and counseling on different brushing and flossing techniques. Professional cleaning plays an important role in prevention of oral diseases. Professional cleaning involves scaling and polishing of the teeth. Your dentist also checks for signs of cavities, dry mouth and oral cancer, which can all affect your health and well-being if they go untreated.

Final Words 

Oral hygiene is a preventive care. It can prevent various oral health problems like cavities, gums and bad breath. Oral health is linked to whole body health. There are certain health conditions which can have a negative impact on teeth or gums, such as pneumonia, diabetes, strokes and cardiovascular disease etc. Excellent oral hygiene protects your teeth and gums and keeps your smile beautiful.

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