
Common Urinary Symptoms and Solutions

Your urinary system, though often overlooked, plays a vital role in your overall well-being. It’s responsible for eliminating waste and excess fluids from your body, helping maintain the delicate balance of bodily functions. However, when something goes awry with this system, it can manifest in the form of common urinary symptoms that should not be ignored.

From that nagging urge to rush to the bathroom at inconvenient times to the discomfort of a burning sensation during urination, urinary symptoms can be both distressing and disruptive to your daily life. Yet, they are more common than you might think, affecting millions of individuals worldwide.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into some of the most prevalent urinary symptoms people experience, exploring their potential causes and offering practical solutions. Whether you’re dealing with frequent trips to the restroom, that unsettling urgency, or any other urinary concern, understanding the underlying factors and knowing how to address them can significantly improve your quality of life.

Common urinary symptoms


A reasonable criterion to satisfy the definition of polyuria is excretion of 3.0 liters of urine daily, provided the patient is not on high fluid intake. Polyuria may be due to either physiological conditions in which antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is either insufficiently secreted, or there is failure of response to it. Some common causes of polyuria are drugs such as chlorpromazine or anticholinergic, chronic renal failure, diabetes mellitus, mannitol infusions etc. 


Nocturia means excessive amounts of urine passed at night. Causes can include sleep disorders, bladder obstruction and drinking too much fluid. Nocturia is a common condition affecting more than 50% of adults after age 50 and it’s more common in men. Common symptoms include : 

  • Peeing more in volume if polyuria is present.
  • Waking up twice and more to pee at night.
  • Sleepiness during the day
  • Fatigue

Urinary frequency 

Urinary frequency means the number of times the patient goes for urination. More the frequency, less will be the amount of urine passed each time. Some common causes of frequent urination includes : 

  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Urinary tract conditions
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Medications


Dysuria refers to pain or burning during micturition. Urinary tract infections are commonly associated with dysuria. Patients of any age can experience painful urination. Other people at a higher risk of dysuria include men and women with diabetes, pregnant women and patients with any type of disease of gallbladder. Symptoms of it vary between men and women but burning is the most commonly reported symptom. 

Urinary Incontinence

It refers to the inability to retain urine in the bladder. It results from neurological or mechanical disorders of the complicated system that controls normal micturition. Common causes includes neurogenic incontinence ( Due to involvement of ascending and descending tracts or sacral reflex arc ), stress incontinence( Postmenopausal parus women ), mechanical incontinence ( Congenital abnormalities of urinary bladder), Overflow incontinence ( Due to large residual urine volume ), psychogenic incontinence ( Anxious children ), functional incontinence ( commonly seen in old persons ). The main common symptoms of incontinence is leakage of urine. 


It is an involuntary passage of urine at night or during sleep. It is also called night bed wetting or nocturnal enuresis. Bed wetting is normal upto the age of 2 years. In some children it persists upto the age of 3 years due to delayed acquisition of the control of bladder. Enuresis may be a symptom of organic disease, such as urinary tract infection, obstructive uropathy, uterovesical dysfunction and polyuria. The organic enuresis occurs both during day and the night. Many  factors may be involved in the development of enuresis Involuntary, or unintentional, release of urine may result from :

  • A small bladder
  • Severe stress
  • Persistent urinary tract infections
  • Developmental delays that interfere with toilet training


It refers to urine output less than 500 ml/day in an average adult. The oliguria may also arise due to error of judgment as  it is difficult to collect urine without spilling, and is also difficult to measure when urine flow rates are low. It variably indicates either acute or chronic renal failure or acute renal failure. Oliguria can be caused by low blood volume, heart and lung conditions and vascular disease of kidneys. The most common cause of oliguria is dehydration and burns. Other kinds of trauma that can cause oliguria include blood loss, anaphylactic shock from a bad allergy, septic shock after an infection or surgery. 


Anuria is said to occur when a patient does not pass urine or passes upto 50 ml in a day.Anuria in physiological sense means less formation or absence of formation of urine by the kidneys. The causes are : 

  • Complete urinary tract obstruction
  • Severe infection
  • Some medications
  • Intoxication
  • Autoimmune diseases

The most obvious sign of anuria is not peeing. Other symptoms and signs are related to conditions that may be causing the problem.


Common urinary symptoms can disrupt our daily lives and raise concerns about our health. However, by understanding these symptoms and adopting practical solutions, we can often manage or even prevent them. Hydration, pelvic floor exercises, dietary changes, proper hygiene, and seeking medical advice when necessary are all vital steps in maintaining a healthy urinary system. Remember that each individual’s situation is unique, and it’s essential to prioritise your urinary health and seek professional guidance when needed to ensure a happy and healthy life.

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